The Manual Handling Specialists

New report shows an AEP can save you money
December 15, 2016
The latest Deloitte Access Economics report commissioned by Exercise and Sports Science Australia has been released! It is titled “The value of accredited exercise physiologists to consumers in Australia”.
The report demonstrates the benefit and savings to the consumer of engaging AEPs to help manage chronic conditions. The report shows that the average dollar benefit is $6562 per person in 2016.
Impact on consumer focus in primary care
This report comes at a time when the Australian Government is continuing to introduce consumer directed care into government-funded care packages. This report helps provide evidence for everyday Australians to help with making decisions about their health care.
As patient centred care reforms begin to ramp up, such as the Health Care Homes initiative, it is extremely important that the primary health care sector workforce and patients recognise the importance and value of an AEP being part of the multidisciplinary care team under the new model.
Impact on chronic disease
Chronic disease is growing in Australia, with 50% of Australians living with one chronic condition and an estimated 1 in 5 now living with multiple conditions according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. As the number of people needing to seek health care for these conditions grows, the report shows that a patient’s health care dollar can be spent wisely by investing in the services of an AEP and physical activity. For every $1 a consumer spends on receiving AEP interventions, they would receive $10.50 in wellbeing benefits, improved consumer productivity and reduced consumer health system expenditure.
In particular, the report examines the impact of AEP interventions on people living with a chronic condition in Australia, finding effective cost related benefits for those suffering from depression, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.
Benefits to the consumer
The report demonstrates dollar benefits to consumers in terms of improved wellbeing, productivity and reduced consumer health system expenditure. A standout point to note here is that the overall benefits of AEP interventions to people with CVD were estimated to be a whopping $8,293 per person in 2016! That’s a pretty good end of year Christmas present.
This report demonstrates the value of this particular allied health profession to the primary health care sector and to consumers in providing exercise interventions as medicine for Australians with chronic conditions.
After reading a report like this, it goes without saying that exercise is truly the best, cheapest, most accessible medicine available.
Please share the report via the link below with your health care networks.
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